IIT Kharagpur Photo Album 1 -- LLR Hall and

other buildings in the early 70's

Click on the thumbnails below to enlarge them.

LLRHall2.jpg (21575 bytes)

LLRblockA.jpg (31529 bytes) LLRhall1.jpg (21768 bytes)
LLR Hall -- view from JCB LLR Hall -- 'A' block LLR Hall -- main entrance
InstiByDay.jpg (15251 bytes) InstiByNight.jpg (9768 bytes) YeOldeJail.jpg (18943 bytes)
The magnificent Insti Insti by night Ye Olde Jail
MEdept.jpg (36011 bytes) SwmPool.jpg (19885 bytes) TSGdiwali.jpg (11878 bytes)
Mechanical Engineering   Department Swimming pool TSG during Diwali
workshop.jpg (20709 bytes) TSGinterIIT.jpg (18666 bytes) ME74batch.jpg (26505 bytes)
Workshop TSG during Inter-IIT Meet 1969 The ME 1974 batch in front of ME Dept.

All photos by Debashis Mukherjee. These photographs may be copied / distributed freely.
